Upcoming events

    • 11 Aug 2024
    • 01 Sep 2024
    • 4 sessions
    • 油麻地
    • 4

    香港婚姻及家庭協會《督導小組 Supervision Group

    本督導小組旨於透過參加者的真實個案,運用婚姻及家庭治療理論對個案作出分析診斷, 並制定治療計劃與步驟。每次集中討論一個個案, 參與者可準備不會顯示案主身份的個案, 在小組中分享。


    日期:2024 811日、818日、825日、91日(星期日)
    時間下午 3:00  5:00
    地點 九龍油麻地彌敦道518-520號彌敦行15樓C2室
    費用:$2,000 (四節共八小時)

    導師簡介 :

    劉志遠博士 (註冊社工)

    • 香港浸會大學哲學博士Ph.D.
    • 香港理工大學婚姻及家庭治療碩士 M. A.
    • 香港理工大學應用心理學學士 B. A.
    • 香港理工大學社會工作文憑 Diploma
    • 美國婚姻及家庭治療栛會檢定臨床督導
    • 美國婚姻及家庭治療栛會臨床院士
    • 香港婚姻及家庭治療協會認證臨床督導
    • 香港專業輔導協會會認證輔導員
    • 社會工作者註冊局註冊社工
    • 伯特利神學院客席講師
    • 宏恩基督教學院客席講師
    • 香港婚姻及家庭治療協會懂事會成員
    • 中國香港挑戰網陣協會認證低結構、高結構與康樂緣繩下降一級教練
    • CPP Asia Pacific 認證MBTI施測師
    • 美國身心語言程式學學會認證時間線治療 執行師
    • 美國身心語言程式學學會認證身心語言程式學 執行師
    • 美國催眠學會認證催眠治療師



    - 請登入以下網頁  https://hkmfta.wildapricot.org/event-5782618,填妥登記表格。


    • 31 Aug 2024
    • 01 Sep 2024
    • 4 sessions
    • The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
    • 57

    Registration Link: https://hkmfta.wildapricot.org/event-5730459 

    Creating Stories of Love and Resilience in the Face of Death and Grief 

    If death doesn’t mean saying goodbye, how are we freed to grieve differently? During this two day workshop, we will explore how to craft loving conversations using innovative ideas that challenge prescriptive notions found in conventional grief psychology. We will practice numerous entry points into conversations with people who are dying and grieving, including discussions regarding difficult and sudden deaths or the impact on grief when a relationship was highly complicated.

    Conversations such as what we will be learning about and practicing are founded in narrative theory and practice that highlights stories of love and connection, even when this is about a person who has passed. In this way, we can speak about death and grief differently; less about the passive suffering of loss and more about growing invigorating relational identity stories amid the ongoing transitions that come into view when death and grief are present. Attending this workshop will foster a sense or liveliness and provide a new way to think about death and grief, professionally and personally.

    Speaker: Dr. Lorraine Hedtke

    Date: 31 August and 1 September 2024 (Saturday & Sunday)

    Time: 9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. and 2 p.m. - 5 p.m. (12 hours)

    Venue: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

    Fee: Regular HK$ 1,800

    HKMFTA Members / PolyU Students $1,500 per person

    About the Trainer

    Dr. Hedtke is a well-known veteran narrative therapist who has turned the world of modern-day grief psychology completely upside down. She specializes in working within a post-structural, narrative therapy frame with people who are dying as well as with families after a loved one has died.

    Dr. Hedtke teaches about death, dying and bereavement throughout the US and internationally. Her articles have appeared in numerous professional journals and magazines and she is the author of several books about grief. Her children’s book, My Grandmother is Always with Me, (2nd Ed) (Lulu Press, 2013), is written with her child, Addison Davidove. Her book, Breathing life into the stories of the dead: Constructing bereavement support groups (Taos Institute Publications, 2012) outlines an innovative and practical model for group practice. She, along with John Winslade, is one of the co-authors of the groundbreaking book, Remembering lives: conversations with the dying and the bereaved (Baywood, 2004) as well as is a contributor to many book chapters.

    Dr. Hedtke regularly consults and presents virtually and in person around the world on how to create life and love affirming conversations with people who are dying and people who are living with grief. Her theoretical practice developed over the years as a part of her collaboration with The Dulwich Centre of Adelaide, Australia which was founded by Michael & Cheryl White and the hub for narrative counseling.

    Dr. Hedtke is a Professor at California State University San Bernardino in the Masters Counseling program and the proprietor of The Fabula Center for counseling and training in Redlands, California. Her most published work, co-authored with Dr. John Winslade, The Crafting of Grief: Constructing Aesthetic Responses to Loss (2017) has been met with critical acclaim.

    More about her work can be found at her website: rememberingpractices.com

    Registration Link: https://hkmfta.wildapricot.org/event-5730459 

    • 14 Sep 2024
    • 14:00 - 17:00
    • Lai Chi Kok
    • 26

    Registration Link: https://hkmfta.wildapricot.org/event-5794656

    「治癒依附創傷: AEDP 治療依附創傷法」

    “Healing Attachment Trauma with attachment – introducing AEDP approach to attachment trauma”

    “While secure attachment is foundational for resilience and optimal development, disrupted attachment is wires in a vulnerability to trauma.  In therapy, however when explicitly worked with and experientially entrained, attachment can be a powerful force for healing and repair once again.” 

    ~ Diana Fosha, Ph.D. (Founder of AEDP)

    The workshop aims to share about:
    • Attachment trauma and aloneness
    • How concepts and skills of AEDP are applied clinically to treat attachment trauma
    • How transformation and resilience are manifested when core emotions are worked through
    The workshop includes:
    • Sharing on AEDP concepts and skills
    • Somatic exercises on building up sense of self and mood regulation
    • Case video analysis

    Date: 14 September 2024 (Saturday)

    Time: 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.

    Format: Face-to-face (Conducted in Cantonese)

    Venue: Unit 910, 9/F, Tower 1, Cheung Sha Wan Plaza, 833 Cheung Sha Wan Road, Kowloon (1 min walk from Lai Chi Kok MTR Station) 

    Fee: Members $450 per person, $800 for two 

    Non-members $500 per person, $900 for two


    About the Trainer

    Ms. Esther POON (潘偉儀女士)

    • Founder & Director of Hong Kong Centre For Healing Trauma
    • Certified AEDP clinical supervisor and adjunct faculty of AEDP Institute (US)
    • SEP® (Somatic Experiencing® Trauma Institute, US)
    • ISP Practitioner
    • Training in DARe
    • Certified clinical supervisor (HKPCA)
    • Certified clinical supervisor (HKMFTA)
    • Master of So.Sc. in MFT (HKU)
    • Master of So.Sc. in Counselling (University of South Australia)

    Registration Link: https://hkmfta.wildapricot.org/event-5794656

    • 20 Oct 2024
    • 10 Nov 2024
    • 4 sessions
    • Yau Ma Tei
    • 12

    Registration Link: https://hkmfta.wildapricot.org/event-5772500

    Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) Training -

    Levels 1 & 2

    Date: 20 & 27 October 3 & 10 November 2024 (Sundays)
    Time: 10:00 am to 5:30 pm
    Format: Face-to-face (Conducted in English)
    Venue: Rm 1202-03, 12/F., Kowloon Building, 555 Nathan Rd, Yau Ma Tei (MTR Station Exit A1)
    Fee: Members $5,900 per person, $11,200 for two;
             Non-members $6,300 per person, $12,000 for two
    No. of Participants: 8 to 16

    In this combined foundation and practitioner-level training, you will learn the complete set of EFT skills.

    Level 1 is an introduction to EFT, in which you learn foundational knowledge and skills. Whether you intend to help yourself or become a certified EFT practitioner, Level 1 is the first step and an essential part of the course. This level is designed to help students use basic EFT competently in a non-professional capacity.

    Level 2 provides a robust practitioner-level foundation in EFT, enriched by immersive practice sessions that refine your skillset. This level includes all the techniques within the EFT toolbox. You'll learn them and understand when and how to apply each technique effectively. A key focus of Level 2 is equipping participants to effectively address a range of challenges using specific techniques, including managing everyday frustrations, identifying unconscious patterns, addressing feelings such as anger, fear, and guilt, managing phobias, and uncovering limiting core beliefs.

    The Level 2 curriculum extends to working with more profound issues, providing proficiency in EFT Gentle techniques within a trauma-informed framework. Participants will develop the skills to address symptoms of anxiety, provide support for grief and loss, guide clients gently through traumatic experiences and learn methods for addressing physical discomfort or pain.

    Experiential learning includes live demonstrations with students and hands-on practice working in pairs or groups of three.

    Curriculum of the Course

    • The History and Development of EFT
    • Tapping Points: the standard protocol and additional points
    • The Original Basic Recipe with the 9-Gamut
    • EFT and Emotional Health
    • Demystifying emotions
    • Demystifying Acceptance
    • Compassionate Approach
    • Building Rapport with clients
    • Establishing Safety with clients
    • Confidentiality, Boundaries and Ethics
    • Global and Specific with EFT
    • Understanding Aspects + Using Mind Maps for Aspects
    • Cognitive Shifts
    • The Generalisation Effect
    • The Apex Effect
    • The Mind Body Connection
    • EFT for Pain + The 3 Step Protocol
    • EFT with Physical Issues
    • EFT for Cravings
    • The Palace of Possibilities and The Writing on Our Walls
    • Limiting Beliefs and Core Beliefs
    • A Framework for using EFT effectively
    • Working with Abreactions
    • The Gentle Techniques
    • The MT/TTS Technique
    • The Container Technique
    • Psychological Reversal + Themes
    • The Experience of Trauma and Trauma Responses
    • Neuroscience and EFT + Theoretical Perspectives
    • The Role of the Nervous System in EFT
    • Role of the Positive in EFT
    • Borrowing Benefits
    • Building Bridges
    • Energy rebalancing
    • EFT for self-care: The Personal Peace Procedure
    • An Introduction to EFT with Children, Animals, with Groups and Surrogate EFT

    Certificate of Attendance

    After completing the EFT Levels 1 and 2 Training, you will receive an Internationally recognised EFT Level 1 & 2 Certificate of Attendance from EFT International.

    Practitioner Certification

    After successfully completing EFT Level 1 and Level 2 training courses, students who decide to pursue an certification undergo a separate intensive mentoring and assessment process.

    Certification is generally expected to be completed within 6-9 months after the EFT Level 1 & 2 Training and no more than 12 months. It is an extensive process during which you practice your EFT skills with practice-clients and write up session notes and case studies to apply for accreditation with EFT International. You receive a minimum of 6 hours of mentoring with your EFT International Trainer as well as review and feedback.

    Certification is a separate process with a separate fee which is not included in the training fee. You will receive more information about this at the end of the EFT training.

    About the Trainer

    Falguni Mather is a counsellor and psychotherapist based in Hong Kong who extends her services internationally online. With a focus on anxiety, trauma, and chronic pain, Falguni brings a wealth of expertise to her practice. Her academic journey includes a background in psychology and a Masters in Counselling. She is an Accredited Certified EFT Practitioner, Trainer and Mentor with EFT International.

    Falguni's approach is firmly rooted in the belief that individual concerns extend beyond one's "mental" state, encompassing the intricate interplay of emotions, physiology, and the nervous system.

    Beyond individual therapy, Falguni offers a variety of workshops and training programs focused on enhancing emotional health and resilience. Falguni's passion lies in empowering individuals to navigate life's challenges with greater ease and emotional well-being.

    Registration Link: https://hkmfta.wildapricot.org/event-5772500

Past events

21 Jul 2024 免費會員網上講座-敘事治療在香港小學的應用
06 Jul 2024 AEDP 治療依附創傷法工作坊
25 May 2024 Wholebody Focusing Experiential Workshop
27 Apr 2024 Emotional Freedom Techniques Experiential Workshop
22 Feb 2024 2023-24年第四季度《督導小組 Supervision Group》
16 Dec 2023 HKMFTA Annual Conference 2023 香港婚姻及家庭治療協會主題會議
03 Sep 2023 2023年第二季度《督導小組 Supervision Group》
02 Sep 2023 Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy (AEDP) 感動治療課程
01 Apr 2023 Staying Strong During Difficult Times: How Narrative Thinking Can Help Us
17 Mar 2023 Resisting Burnout & Vicarious Trauma & the Zone of Fabulousness
14 Jan 2023 Using narrative practice around mental health and suicidal experience
12 Nov 2022 Prof. Rick Miller talk series 3: Integrative Behavioral Couple Therapy
05 Nov 2022 Prof. Rick Miller talk series 2: What I have learned from practicing MFT for 35 years
24 Sep 2022 Prof Rick Miller talk series 1: Why are some Therapists more effective than others?
16 Sep 2022 An Online Introduction Course on Narrative Practices
04 Jul 2022 One Year Intensive Training in Narrative Practice
02 May 2022 《總有一隻小狗,重遇生命價值與盼望》:敘事實踐與生命中的盼望
10 Jan 2022 HKMFTA Annual Conference 2021-22 香港婚姻及家庭治療協會主題會議
20 Nov 2021 2021年第四季度《督導小組 Supervision Group》
28 Aug 2021 「大手牽小手」系列:《健腦玩體驗》親子活動
21 Jul 2021 小組課程 - 安癒的治療者:支援內在探索之旅
19 Jun 2021 多元學派零距離 - 個案研討
31 May 2021 專業輔導之道德與操守課程
26 Apr 2021 疫境下的夫妻親密
05 Dec 2020 2020 HKMFTA Annual Conference 香港婚姻及家庭治療協會主題會議 2020
23 Nov 2019 2019 HKMFTA Annual Conference 香港婚姻及家庭治療協會主題會議 2019
31 May 2019 真實個案現場示範及研習
07 Dec 2018 婚姻及家庭個案輔導示範
22 Sep 2018 2018 HKMFTA Annual Conference 香港婚姻及家庭治療協會主題會議 2018
25 Aug 2018 《婚姻關係多面睇》講座
25 Jun 2018 Live Case Demonstration《即場婚姻及家庭個案輔導示範》
23 Mar 2018 Bowen Family Systems Theory & Parenting
21 Oct 2017 Workshop: EMDR as a Therapeutic Approach
21 Oct 2017 Workshop: Emotion-Focused Couples Therapy - Basic Concepts and Process Skills
20 Oct 2017 2017 Annual HKMFTA Conference
20 Oct 2017 Workshop: Hakomi Method-Putting the body, mind and brain in the picture
06 Nov 2016 2016 Conference (2nd Day Only) “婚”多一點愛 “家”多一點情
05 Nov 2016 Press Conference for Launch of HKMFTA
05 Nov 2016 2016 Conference (1st Day Only) “婚”多一點愛 “家”多一點情
05 Nov 2016 2016 Conference Both Days “婚”多一點愛 “家”多一點情
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